360T operates Multilateral Trading Facilities (MTFs) and a Swap Execution Facility (SEF)
Our EU MTF, UK MTF and SEF platforms provide clients with greater transparency and enhanced control at every stage of the trading lifecycle, whilst also enabling clients to comply with their own regulatory obligations at appropriate stages of the trading lifecycle.
Platform Overviews
On 3 January 2018, the revised EU Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) and the accompanying Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation (MiFIR) took effect as applicable law across all of the European Economic Area. With many accompanying technical standards and delegated acts, this legislation has come to be known as MiFID II.
In response to MIFID II, 360T created an enhanced version of its OTC trading platform for which it has received authorisation as a Multilateral Trading Facility (MTF). The 360T EU MTF offers trading in in FX Forwards, FX Swaps, FX Options, FX non-deliverable Forwards and non-deliverable Swaps. It does not offer trading for Spot FX, as this falls outside the scope of the MiFID legislation.
Although based in 360T’s home country, 360T EU MTF is available in all European Economic Areas (EEA) Members States and in other countries globally.
In response to MIFID II, 360T created an enhanced version of its OTC trading platform for which it has received authorisation as a Multilateral Trading Facility (MTF). The 360T EU MTF offers trading in in FX Forwards, FX Swaps, FX Options, FX non-deliverable Forwards and non-deliverable Swaps. It does not offer trading for Spot FX, as this falls outside the scope of the MiFID legislation.
Although based in 360T’s home country, 360T EU MTF is available in all European Economic Areas (EEA) Members States and in other countries globally.
Prior to the United Kingdom’s (UK) official withdrawal from the European Union (EU) on 31 January 2020, 360 Treasury Systems AG (360T AG) had provided its services into the UK under the passporting provisions of the EU Market in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID). From 01 February 2020 the passporting provisions no longer had direct effect and hence 360T AG was invited to enter the Temporary Permissions Regime (TPR) while they seek permanent authorisation from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).
In response to these changes and in order to obtain authorisation from the FCA, 360 Treasury Systems AG (360T AG) has had to create a new subsidiary, 360 Trading Networks UK Limited (360T UK). From 01 January 2024 360T UK is the operating company for all regulated business in the UK and has introduced an UK MTF.
In response to these changes and in order to obtain authorisation from the FCA, 360 Treasury Systems AG (360T AG) has had to create a new subsidiary, 360 Trading Networks UK Limited (360T UK). From 01 January 2024 360T UK is the operating company for all regulated business in the UK and has introduced an UK MTF.
On July 2010 the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (“Dodd-Frank” or the “Act”) was signed into US federal law. The Act required that certain OTC Derivatives and FX instruments to be traded on a regulated SEF, and on 22 January 2016, 360T Inc. was granted full SEF registration status in the United States.
Our SEF offers trading in the FX instruments that are classified as Swaps under the provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act, which at present applies to FX Options, FX non-deliverable Forwards and FX Swaps (NDF and NDS) Although established in the United States, 360T SEF is also available in other countries including a number of provinces in Canada, in Switzerland, Australia and in certain countries within the European Economic Area.
Our SEF offers trading in the FX instruments that are classified as Swaps under the provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act, which at present applies to FX Options, FX non-deliverable Forwards and FX Swaps (NDF and NDS) Although established in the United States, 360T SEF is also available in other countries including a number of provinces in Canada, in Switzerland, Australia and in certain countries within the European Economic Area.