Leveraging 20 Years of FX Data

On the twentieth anniversary of the venue, 360T has consolidated its executed data series to formulate the Flows Data Feed (FDF).

As one of the longest established multidealer trading venues in the FX industry, 360T is uniquely positioned to deliver a meaningful perspective on FX market activity. This is done through daily aggregation of flows from a truly diverse client franchise built over the past 20 years, which includes corporate treasuries, asset managers, hedge funds, commercial and private banks. This unique insight into FX trade flows shows trading activity on a daily basis across different client segments and currency baskets, not seen anywhere else in the market.

Find out more

Essential Data Feed
Essential Data Feed, your Streaming Spot market data reference for all your needs.
Swaps Data Feed
Swaps Data Feed. A unique, independent, reliable source of Streaming Swaps market data.

FDF Benefits

A New Input for FX Trading

By wrapping a deep layer of historical context around aggregated information about the direction of FX Flows, the FDF is able to deliver numerous benefits.

It can enable traders to better understand how flows trend within the FX market, allowing them to refine and improve their ability to detect and generate trading signals. Understanding directional trends within the FX market can allow for more effective FX rate forecasting and also enhances the ability of systematic trading firms to minimise their impact as they execute their own orders.

A Unique Source of Data

The data set reflects net FX Spot and Forward flows traded on 360T, over the preceding 24 hours. All of this is done with a firm eye on protecting the integrity of the underlying data through a series of filters and protection mechanisms which ensure complete anonymity through aggregation.

FDF – Absolute daily values mapping out the market

It is formatted in CSV in USD$ notional
FDF Daily covers the previous 5pm EST to 5pm EST Trading day, delivered after NY Close, 5 days a week
Includes data for FX Spot and Forwards products
The data is aggregated across all trading venues within 360T and four client segments

FDF Daily – Net flow chart showing volume trends by CCY pair

It is formatted as a PDF with downloads available via 360T Vantage in USD$ values.
Delivered daily
Includes data for FX Spot
The data is aggregated across all trading venues within 360T and four different client segments

360T Data Services

Actionable Insights
360T Data Solutions are specifically designed to provider market participants with high-quality, actionable information whilst also supporting price discovery and competitive price determination.
Data from Across the Industry
Our Market Data suite encompass market activity across Interbank, Institutional and Corporate customer segments, on disclosed and undisclosed connections, across multiple time zones.
Delivered How You Need It
Delivering real time and historical data via dedicated FIX connections or via a number of information venues, 360T can connect to virtually any application software, facilitating streamlined sourcing of market information.